26 Jan 2013


The Really, Really Un-domestic Goddess

The era of the domestic goddess is well and truly the in thing, it's become fashionable to act like the perfect 1950's housewife, take a backseat for this fad feminism! Books and television shows are abound featuring women who can cook up tasty treats while oozing sex appeal by throwing a sultry hair toss or giving a luscious pout, Nigella, I’m looking at you here. 

Well I’m more domestically challenged than most, spending most of my time shopping than in the kitchen my skills as a goddess are a little more than rusty and I’m not even going to start on the sex appeal. But with a new year I thought perhaps there was time for a new me and I could free the Rachel Allen within or at the very least my best Darina Allen, the original Irish kitchen tease. So I attempted to make some blueberry lemon cupcakes, a simple recipe I could follow to ease me in to unfamiliar territories. There was blood, sweat and tears a plenty, but I had achieved something, though possibly not what I had set out to.

So here is what they were supposed to look like I’m going to put emphasis on supposed, cute little cupcakes.

And the final product, some sort of cupcake/muffin hybrid with ‘creative’ icing.


Oh well I guess I’m no goddess and there will be no O’Briens signature sandwich range in the future for me, but they did taste a lot better than they looked I can assure you, I managed to eat one or two! 

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