6 Feb 2013



I'm usually pretty crap when it comes to eating breakfast but I do like breakfast-associated foods.
So this morning it got up, and looked impressively fresh for 9am and took off into town.
We have a super cute bakery in Ennis called Carrie's cakes, which despite numerous requests does not do blood-red cakes but is just a really sweet shop.

Sooooooooo much butter

I got day old bread for like a euro and some nice pastries and scones. When I got home I tried my hand at making poached eggs, and while they may not have been perfect it all looked pretty nice and tasted swell. So as much as I love just drinking tea or a huge cup of coffee for breakfast (see overpriced liquid below), I really liked this.

I doubt I'll be eating breakfast like a queen like I did today but maybe once a week.

Hipsterly yours,

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