4 Jun 2013

Confessions of A Reluctant Adult

It's not all its cracked up to be, is it? Adulthood that is! We seem to spend our teens wishing we were in our twenties and our twenties wishing we were in our teens. When our parents warned us to enjoy our school years because 'they're the best years of your life' did we pay them a blind bit of notice? Nope! Although my thinking for about 5 of 6 years in secondary school was 'if this is the best it gets then I might as well pack it in now!' Luckily, I took my mother's advice for once and followed my friend to another school for my final year of school and it did get much, much better. People don't believe me, but being in school for 12 hours a day 5 days a week, and 6- 8 hours a day at weekends was the best year I had...no, honestly! I got to spend almost every waking minute with great, genuine friends and for the first time ever I didn't hate going to school. More's the pity it was only for one year, if I'd had that experience the whole way through school I'd never have wanted to grow up!

However, after leaving behind the safety net of school and college, I've graduated and entered the adult world kicking and screaming! It's come as a bit of a shock to the system This whole full time job, rent, and bills malarkey ain't what I signed up for when I accepted my scroll at graduation, but here I am months in still struggling to 'get into a routine' at which point it'll 'be grand' apparently. So, I taken it upon myself to compile a short list of just some of the reasons I am a reluctant Adult.

Dawson never had to grow up.

Reasons it sucks being an Adult:

1. There's no one to make you dinner or your lunch when all you want to do is go to bed and get a good nights sleep.

2. There's no one to call/text to bring you tea/biscuits/your glasses to whatever room you're in.

3. There's no one to make a fuss over you when you're putting  great effort into exaggerating your cough or cold.

4. You've to do your own washing, and ironing if you do that, but let's be honest who irons their clothes?

5. You've to budget and shit, that's not cool man, I just wanna shop! (Yes, that's right, I do have womanly urges).

Okay, I'll admit it, my list seems quite pathetic but I swear when I first thought up this post I had way more reasons, I'm just too tired from cooking and cleaning up after myself to recount them right now. I think I better give the final word to the professionals.

Jenna Marbles has seen me through some tough times in my life and when I'm not ready to look on the sunny side of life , I turn to Jenna, she always knows what to say or at least she share's my thoughts on being an adult.

Feel free to leave a comment with any other reasons you can think of Why it sucks being an Adult!

Yours, Reluctantly,
Claire - B.A. Adulthood