5 Sept 2013

What is Feminism? Let's Ask Farrah Abraham!

Farrah Abraham doesn't know what Feminism is, so I thought I'd help a sister out - 'cause that's what we "F.e.m.i.n.i.s.t.s" do for one other - and, to be honest, I too was once as ignorant as she. By that I mean, I didn't know who Farrah Abraham was until 48 hours ago, I know, I can't believe I was so uneducated either. So now that I have learned who she is from her ignorance of feminism, I thought I'd give her a hand and give  her, and any other Teen Mom stars out there, the low down on this whole feminism malarkey.

So what's the deal with Farrah you ask? Well, for those of you that don't spend too much time on the internet like me, Farrah Abraham (22 year old ex-star of the MTV reality TV show Teen Mom,  current star of some porno with some porn dude) was recently interviewed by Miami New Times. In this oh so deep, thought provoking interview she was asked if she considered herself a feminist. The following is a transcript of the interview from the M.N.T. blog.

4 Sept 2013

WAGE @ The Project Arts Centre

Here's a bit of a different post for the Crayze because I'm basically just recommending you go and see something - but it slots in nicely to Feminism Fortnight so I couldn't not mention it. As some of you may, or may not know, Dublin Fringe Festival starts tomorrow September 5th and with it comes a shit load of great things that I want to see but don't have the time to. This is my one recommendation that one should not miss this Fringe. Wage by  Fitzgerald &Stapleton Dance Theatre tackles the issue of... you guessed it - wage inequality.


From the Programme:

Who is your Father? Who are YOU? and despite all your WAGE are you still just a twat in a cage? WAGE fucks with sexuality, gender division, wage inequality, dreams, spirituality and ritual through the medium of dance.
Tickets are offered for female and female identified audience members at a discounted rate in respect of the 13.9% gender pay gap in Ireland. Please choose concession rate to avail of this discount.
Male-identified audience members €14
Female and female-identified audience members €12

“Out of this world and into my heart” - Gayletter New York.
“Asking puzzling questions with full frontal intensity” - New York Times
A co-production with Project Arts Centre and Abrons Arts Center New York.
Contains nudity.
Sounds good right? Wage from from the 5 - 10th of September at 9.00pm in the Cube in the Project Arts Centre, Dublin.  DO. NOT. MISS. IT!!!

1 Sept 2013

The Sex-olution of Miley Cyrus

Oh Miley, Miley, Miley, she came into our lives as sweet little Hannah Montana in her staring roll on the Disney channel, singing her little country heart out.

Ah the days before the foam finger

Well it’s safe to say at last week’s VMA’s Miley killed her old Hannah Montana image, in fact I’m pretty sure she rammed it down with a Hummer and backed over it a couple of times for good measure, I mean her name sake Miley Byrne would have definitely been bringing out the old catchphrase, "Holy god"!!!

Miley Byrne does not approve

Feminism Fortnight

1st to 15th of September

With the kids heading back to school and the autumn/winter stock hitting the shops we thought it might be an idea to have a themed fortnight. 

And what's a better theme than cracking out the old dreaded 'f' word, FEMINISM.

It may be 2013, but feminism is still sort of a dirty word and us ladies still have to fight for our right to party!

So keep an eye out for all things woman (and woman-centric) popping up on the Crayze over the next two weeks.

“When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a bitch.” 
― Bette Davis

A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.” 
― Gloria Steinem