25 Feb 2013


Super Sexy Carrie Bradshaw!

Ever since Sex and the City ended, I think a lot of people have shared their thoughts with the world wide web in the hope of helping people, slash becoming the next Carrie freaking Bradshaw. In reality, not many people care about your problems aside from you and a few close friends.
Lena Dunham has been lauded as the new voice of a generation of girls, but really she isn't. She's funny, and certainly a lot of girls probably identify with her well written show 'Girls', but a voice of a generation??? I think not.

Super Idiotic Eimear Hassett  
The more modern the world gets, the more diverse we become as individuals and the more we try to be unique and individual. Therefore the idea that once person could sum up millions of people is ridiculous really. What isn't ridiculous though is the idea that one person could relate to a few people and I suppose that is what us three are trying to do here in the #confessions section. While we are friends, we're all quite different and we all hope to bring you funny stories and thoughts from our crayzed psyches.

So enjoy.

Hipsterly yours,

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