28 Feb 2013


Fancy shit

Considering we have a category called 'Between My Thighs' I don't really feel bad about using the word 'shit' and to be honest I curse a lot. Like not in a bad way, just a casual way which I suppose isn't really as bad!

Anyways, I'm good at cooking but I usually forgo actually cooking and eat out a lot and only buy fancy convenient stuff in the shop like hummus, flavoured rice cakes, fruit, olives, expensive soups and bread.  In the last week though i've become obsessed with buying sparkling water. But not just any sparkling water, S.Pellegrino sparkling natural mineral water.  

Its not exactly hugely expensive or anything but in regards to water, I feel like a french person buying designer water in the Le Bon Marché!

Maybe it was the fact that Carrie Bradshaw drank a bottle in one episode of SATC or maybe I just like the look of the bottle. Either way i've never really drank water this much before -i'm a tea, coffee and diet coke kinda gal- so it can't hurt!

Long live fancy water!

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