11 Jul 2013

Style-Eyes - Fashion at your fingertips

Recently I read that Shazam are working on a fashion app whereby you can hold your phone up to the screen and the app will search EVERYWHERE to find you the item you desire, it sounded like a dream come true to many, but it still seems to be a bit far off.

But today I read that closer to home two childhood friends from Dublin just won an Enterprise Ireland award for 'One to Watch' as they have developed an app that will do the same as Shazam but good news is it's due for release in September!


"Style-Eyes" is a free smartphone, tablet and computer application developed in Dublin City University by Dr Mark Hughes and Bobby Pringle. The app uses image recognition technology to make fashion more accessible, therefore it's much easier for us to spend our money!


When the user takes a photograph of an item of clothing from a magazine or website on their phone, Style-Eyes uses image recognition technology to search through a huge fashion retail database. It then brings back that item or one similar and heypresto all you have to do is hand over the cash and it can be yours (presuming it's in stock and in your size etc.)

The app is now reaching the final stages of development and it will be available for download from September. I am very excited by idea but I don’t think my bank balance will be too happy at the ease at which I can find  amazing clothes, like this.


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