1 Jul 2013

This1Time...In London

Imma gonna try out something new with this post and calling it a "This1Time" and hopefully it might become a regular thing. The title is oooooobviously inspired by those blonde gals and their fashion line Twenty8twelve.

So we went to London for approx 36 hrs. Laura and I and honorary Crayze member @Lou_louclancy   flew out Tuesday morning and returned to Ireland on Wednesday night.

We walked a lot, we ate, we shopped, we ate, we acted like tourists and again, we ate. When you're only in London for a day, there's a lot of precious food to be consumed.

Laura being a tourist. Classic Laura

Prepping on the train for Landaaan town with bronzer and horoscopes!

Getting blown away by the sights.

Acting like the gansta she is. 

So we were all determined to get frozen yoghurt because in Ireland its hard to get the fancy stuff. We luckily found an "Itsu", which is a ridiculously healthy restaurant takeaway place. I got mine with strawberries and the one on the right is honey glazed walnuts. They were amawzing!

Our main reason for going to London was to attend a Cosmopolitan Career Masterclass. I mean it kind of was just an excuse to go to London initially but it was seriously interesting. We got to hear about how other media professionals got into their perspective careers, like PR, Event management, Journalism, TV presenter and online digital editor.   They all had such passion for their careers and drive.

Without trying to sound cheesy, they really did show us that if you really want to do something and work hard and do the research that you can eventually get the job you want. But by the looks of it I'm going to have to work for free and do internships before anyone realises how fabulous I am.

Until then though I'm just going to find more reasons to go on day trips to London and live it up, Crayze Style. 


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