10 Jul 2013

Music, I'll never forget you again

Maybe it's the fact that it soooooo hawt outside, or maybe it's just because I cannot stop jumping from TV series to TV series, but lately I've been pretty bad about being pro-active about ANYTHING.

But one thing I have neglected a lot lately is music. I haven't had a clue about what new albums are out or about to come out and it seems that during the last few months I've only been listening to top ten hits and golden oldies. 

But no more!

So here's a guide to new albums released over the last few months that I missed, that I quite like. 

My man Kanye is back and while calling himself a God doesn't help his public persona, he damn well knows how to make music. 

Not a notion what the album title means, but the song Tom Ford is my jam, and I'll probably be obsessed with this album by the end of the week.

I've always liked Kid Cudi, and while there isn't any number 1 hits like 'Day n'Nite' on this album, you do get the sense that he's creating his own individual style not unlike Kanye's My Beautiful dark Twisted Fantasy. It's a slow burner.

#WILLPOWER -Will.i.am
Okay, so I know he's been releasing songs off this album for months, but I really think that the album itself is well worth a listen in its entirety. Will.i.am didn't get to be as famous as he is by just throwing out the same auld dance tune and I think anyone who listens to this will be pleasantly surprised 

Yeah Yeah Yeah's make the kind of music that you want to drink beer and smoke to. Karen O's vocals are intoxicating and her hair is looking great these days!

DIDN'T IT RAIN -Hugh Laurie
Ever since House, Hugh Laurie has always been a guilty pleasure of mine and since the show finished up I've searched for other outlets. Hugh's blues albums aren't for everyone but if you like bluegrass and Jazz this is an album for you.

HEART OF NOWHERE- Noah and the Whale
As you can probably guess by the title, these boy are back to their wallowing ways, but hey if you want to identify with some indie music about heartbreak and stuff, give this a try.

VOLUME 3-She and Him
Zooey is a busy lady and inbetween filming New Girl she has managed to record another album.  It's incredible easy listening and I just like Zooey's voice.

Everybody loves a bitta Daft and with the anti-ageing Pharrell Williams on board( he doesn't look a day over 25), who could refuse!? It's dancey, and groovy and going to be one of those albums of the decade.

Hey if they're good enough for Obama, they're good enough for me. The National won't exactly put you into great form, but this album is what you listen to after you've broken up with someone, while drinking a glass of wine (just a glass? -ed) We all need that kind of music. 

ONCE I WAS AN EAGLE -Laura Marling
I was a pretty hardcore Laura Fan back in the day and while I don't listen to her as much, she is truly talented and like a modern day Joni.  This album is sweet and soothing.

SETTLE- Disclosure
This is Disclosure's first album and its set to give them all the praise they deserve. They've some really cool tunes and can only get better.   

While I don't go around telling people I'm a Paramore fan for fear that I shall be cast aside as an emo, I really do like them and Hayley's impressive vocals. Aside from the lazy album title, I'm a fan 

And so these are the albums I'm going to be listening the crap out of from the rest of the summer. These and of course Bruno Mars who just makes the catchiest songs you'll ever hear!! 

1 comment:

  1. We do Love our Bruno here at the Crayze

