15 Jan 2014

Everyday I'm Hustlin'

American Hustle

I know that all signs say that I should absolutely love this film, but there was just something about it, something that made me cringe a little bit. My simple reaction to this at the end of the day is that I don't really feel the need to ever watch it again.

Unfortunately for me I don't think I have any choice in the matter. Jenny-Law has already picked up a Globe for apparently the "Best Home Karaoke Performance" and with the Oscars just around the corner, I'm sure this film is going to be all up in my face.

 I mean why should I like it? Just because once again Christian Bale has binged on Dunkin' Donuts before a leading role, does not mean that the man deserves all this attention. He clearly has a eating disorder or at least a lack of confidence in his acting skills which has him hugely altering his appearance. It feels like it's more for his own benefit then for ours.
Then you have Amy Adams. now don't get me wrong. Gurl know's how the WERK  a low v-neck dress and I doubt she even wore a bra for the whole shoot, but does she deserve an award for finally showing us the goodies after all these years? I will give her props though and second to Screech wannabe Cooper, her performance was unexpected and impressive.

Then you have Jeremy Renner, who's role was purely created after some casting reshuffles. I like Renner, but his character was unnecessary and I wish they would have stuck to the original script and avoided improvising so much as to change the story and the characters.
By now Jennifer Lawrence is still partying it up with her new Gloden globe, but did she really deserve it? I sometimes feel that people like her so much that they want her to win whether she fully deserves it or not.
Coming towards the end of this ranting article though, I want to take a moment to recognise Bradley Cooper. Now there is a performance I can acknowledge. His was my favourite because it was different to anything I had ever seen before. As an actor I truly believe that he is going from strength to strength. For me he outshone Lawrence last year in Silver Linings Playbook and in this it's no different. His appearance, performance and sheer enthusiasm on screen made him my favourite.

Overall, this movie had a serious recipe for success but in my opinion, and perhaps mine alone, it's over stylised and trying too hard to be iconic. Everything from the dialogue to the somewhat unnecessary scenes to even their accents just didn't sit right with me. I just felt like I never wanted to watch it again.

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