17 Jul 2013

Hair gone wrong. . .

I am not happy.
I would have been of the opinion that one could style any haircut and look gorgeous, but recently I had a pretty terrible experience that has put me off doing anything too drastic to my hair ever again.

About a year ago I wanted to experiment with the dip dye trend. After several attempts, and eventually just using a highlighter kit, I got really blonde ends. 

I didn't want to be using peroxide for upkeep so instead I used John Freida Go Blonde products. I truly did love this hair style and despite the peroxide my hair was still pretty healthy and it really suited me. 

Last month I figured it was time for a change, Sometimes the blonde looked dull and whispy so I opted for a chocolate brown with a heavy fringe. Sounds good right? Think again.

Gabby with her fiiiiiine hair

I wanted a hairstyle that emulated Gabrielle ApLin, who is coincidentally my style icon at the moment. What I got was a style that emulated Japanese cartoons.

I tried to give it time, to get used to it but it just didn't suit me. It was too dark and my hair looked like straw and unhealthy. After days of endless conversations about my hair, I got up early, went to town and bought ColourB4. 
The night before I watched so many youtube videos about good and shockingly bad results, but after weighing out the pro's and con's, I decided to go for it!

ColourB4 is no joke. Firstly, it takes a pretty long time so make sure you have about 2 to 3 hours free and a movie lined up to pass the time. 

You to apply this disgusting smelling solution to you hair, everybit of it and then comb it through. Then i had to wrap a plastic bag around it and a towel to speed up the process. After about an hour I started rinsing my hair for 10 minutes, the you apply a buffer and after a minute, you rinse for a further 5 minutes, then you apply the buffer again and rinse again for 5 minutes. It really does take forever. 
And after all that I applied a deep conditioning mask that I had just to repair my hair from all the washing and chemicals. 

But, the results are worth it. While I didn't exactly get back to my original hair colour, I did get a far more natural and healthier looking hair! And it's so shiny.

This is my hair now!
Also my hair now plus a pretty filter from Instagram

15 Jul 2013

Between My Thighs #4


With this fine weather we’re having, things are hotting up here at the Crayze - quite literally - I am melting faster than the Wicked Witch of the West; but I’m not complaining, it’s nice to have a summer in Ireland, makes a change from the last six years. So do forgive us if we have been neglecting our posts of late, it’s difficult not be distracted by the sun and the scantily clad hotties that emerge from god knows where, with a perfect tan the second the sun makes an appearance (sunbeds anyone?) Unfortunately, I don’t have access to the names or pictures of the random hotties I pass on a daily basis so I will substitute with one whose name I do know and whose pictures and intimate details I can locate on the interweb.

11 Jul 2013

Style-Eyes - Fashion at your fingertips

Recently I read that Shazam are working on a fashion app whereby you can hold your phone up to the screen and the app will search EVERYWHERE to find you the item you desire, it sounded like a dream come true to many, but it still seems to be a bit far off.

But today I read that closer to home two childhood friends from Dublin just won an Enterprise Ireland award for 'One to Watch' as they have developed an app that will do the same as Shazam but good news is it's due for release in September!


"Style-Eyes" is a free smartphone, tablet and computer application developed in Dublin City University by Dr Mark Hughes and Bobby Pringle. The app uses image recognition technology to make fashion more accessible, therefore it's much easier for us to spend our money!


When the user takes a photograph of an item of clothing from a magazine or website on their phone, Style-Eyes uses image recognition technology to search through a huge fashion retail database. It then brings back that item or one similar and heypresto all you have to do is hand over the cash and it can be yours (presuming it's in stock and in your size etc.)

The app is now reaching the final stages of development and it will be available for download from September. I am very excited by idea but I don’t think my bank balance will be too happy at the ease at which I can find  amazing clothes, like this.


Queens of Neon

Neon used to be something you'd see in an eighties romcom or what we'd imagine every character on Flashdance or Fame would be wearing.

But now it's a must-have this season. Whether it's nail polish, or a necklace, or a brightly coloured tee!

While neon can really make an outfit pop and is very on trend, don't over do it.

10 Jul 2013

Music, I'll never forget you again

Maybe it's the fact that it soooooo hawt outside, or maybe it's just because I cannot stop jumping from TV series to TV series, but lately I've been pretty bad about being pro-active about ANYTHING.

But one thing I have neglected a lot lately is music. I haven't had a clue about what new albums are out or about to come out and it seems that during the last few months I've only been listening to top ten hits and golden oldies. 

But no more!

So here's a guide to new albums released over the last few months that I missed, that I quite like. 

My man Kanye is back and while calling himself a God doesn't help his public persona, he damn well knows how to make music. 

Not a notion what the album title means, but the song Tom Ford is my jam, and I'll probably be obsessed with this album by the end of the week.

I've always liked Kid Cudi, and while there isn't any number 1 hits like 'Day n'Nite' on this album, you do get the sense that he's creating his own individual style not unlike Kanye's My Beautiful dark Twisted Fantasy. It's a slow burner.

#WILLPOWER -Will.i.am
Okay, so I know he's been releasing songs off this album for months, but I really think that the album itself is well worth a listen in its entirety. Will.i.am didn't get to be as famous as he is by just throwing out the same auld dance tune and I think anyone who listens to this will be pleasantly surprised 

1 Jul 2013

This1Time...In London

Imma gonna try out something new with this post and calling it a "This1Time" and hopefully it might become a regular thing. The title is oooooobviously inspired by those blonde gals and their fashion line Twenty8twelve.

So we went to London for approx 36 hrs. Laura and I and honorary Crayze member @Lou_louclancy   flew out Tuesday morning and returned to Ireland on Wednesday night.

We walked a lot, we ate, we shopped, we ate, we acted like tourists and again, we ate. When you're only in London for a day, there's a lot of precious food to be consumed.

Laura being a tourist. Classic Laura

Prepping on the train for Landaaan town with bronzer and horoscopes!

Getting blown away by the sights.

Acting like the gansta she is. 

So we were all determined to get frozen yoghurt because in Ireland its hard to get the fancy stuff. We luckily found an "Itsu", which is a ridiculously healthy restaurant takeaway place. I got mine with strawberries and the one on the right is honey glazed walnuts. They were amawzing!

Our main reason for going to London was to attend a Cosmopolitan Career Masterclass. I mean it kind of was just an excuse to go to London initially but it was seriously interesting. We got to hear about how other media professionals got into their perspective careers, like PR, Event management, Journalism, TV presenter and online digital editor.   They all had such passion for their careers and drive.

Without trying to sound cheesy, they really did show us that if you really want to do something and work hard and do the research that you can eventually get the job you want. But by the looks of it I'm going to have to work for free and do internships before anyone realises how fabulous I am.

Until then though I'm just going to find more reasons to go on day trips to London and live it up, Crayze Style. 
